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Drill Bit Technology

Surgibit offers unparalleled precision and superior results for orthopaedic surgeons and their patients

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"The Surgibit minimises thermal necrosis because the temperatures during drilling are lower"

Professor Bill Walsh, PhD.

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“The Surgibit demonstrates clear improvements and advantages over conventional orthopaedic drills.”

Steven R. Schmid, Ph.D., P.E., C.Mfg.E.

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"From my clinical experience with SURGiBIT® (instruments) in the operating room, I now know how a drill bit is supposed to work. It is supposed to work with precision, ease, and a minimum of effort."

Louis Kwong, MD, Professor and Chairman Department of Orthopaedics Harbor-UCLA Medical Center

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Professor Bill Walsh, Director of Surgical and Orthopaedic Research Laboratories, discusses how the unique design of the Surgibit allows the surgeon to enter the bone in a controlled manner, minimising the negative variables associated with bone drilling and healing.

The patented Surgibit® technology is a revolutionary bone drilling design, offering enhanced outcomes for orthopaedic surgeons and their patients. Its unique design provides surgeons with superior control, accuracy and performance. This results in reduced damage, heat and trauma to the tissues and leads to faster operations, more first-time results and an overall improvement in post-surgery healing. The drill bit technology has consistently demonstrated exceptional performance standards in millions of surgeries.


US Patent No. 8,475,459; 7,892,235; 8,162,945; 8,172,845

AUS Patent No. 2003250578

NZ Patent No. 537852

Technology protected by Niro-McAndrews

For more information, download our brochure:


Targeted angle of entry

Typically, bone has an irregular surface and is often slippery. The unique Surgibit design firmly locates the intended drill site and stays on target up to 60 degrees from the perpendicular with ease. It’s a precision instrument for every surgeon saving time, reducing risk for the patient and delivering successful results first-time round.

Higher Durability

The durability of the Surgibit technology gives every surgeon total confidence the drill will remain sharp throughout the entire procedure the result is a reduced cost in additional drills and better outcomes for the patient-as the last drill hole is as good as the first.

Lower Temperatures

The Surgibit technology has been proven to run at lower temperatures the the standard drill bits, potentially leading to signaficant reduction in bone necrosis. This results in fewer post-operative complications, better bone healing and patient recovery.

Accurate Hole Alignment

Standard drill bits typically slip and skive at angles over 15 degrees from the perpendicular which is why drilling the near or far cortices can result in misplaced and/or misaligned holes. The unique point design of the Surgibit drill bit allows the drill to accurately target through both cortex, producing perfectly aligned holes-even at extreme angles

Less Micro-fracturing

Standard bits produce high amounts of torque resulting in microfractures around the hole site. Surgibit’s special drill tip geometry is designed to induce greater ductility at the drilling site in order to inhibit fracturing and increase drilling performance.

The design of the Surgibit, which is a unique geometric shape that covers both 2 & 3-fluted drill designs, allows the surgeon to enter into the bone in a controlled manner to minimise many variables that have been known to be negative for bone healing”

- Professor Bill Walsh, PhD.


3-Fluted orthopaedic drills exhibit superior

W.R. Walsh, Ph.D. Orthopaedic Research Laboratories University of New South Wales Prince of Wales Hospital

Drilling of bone

W.R. Walsh, Ph.D. Orthopaedic Research Laboratories University of New South Wales Prince of Wales Hospital

A comparison of the thermal properties of 2- and 3-fluted drills

W.R. Walsh, Ph.D. Orthopaedic Research Laboratories University of New South Wales Prince of Wales Hospital

Evaluation of 3-flute & 2-flute drill designs

Orthopaedic Research Laboratories University of New South Wales Prince of Wales Hospltal

Effect of drill design on wear and cutting performance

W.R. Walsh, Ph.D. Orthopaedic Research Laboratories University of New South Wales Prince of Wales Hospital


*Required Field

SURGIBIT® is the registered trademark of Orthopedic Innovation PTY LTD.
13 Lancaster Crescent Collaroy NSW 2097, Australia

Manufactured by Avalign Technologies, Inc. 8727 Clinton Park Drive | Fort Wayne, IN 46825 D (260) 480-5260 | M (574) 527-8419

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D (260) 480-5260

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